
This 24 / 7 stream of 9 Beet Stretch was started at 18:16 UTC+1, the hour of sunset, Wien, march 26th, the date Ludwig van Beethoven died.

18:16 UTC+1 – movement 1 – duration: 5½ hours
23:43 UTC+1 – movement 2 – duration: 5 hours
04:48 UTC+1 – movement 3 – duration: 5 hours
09:24 UTC+1 – movement 4 – duration: 8½ hours

– UTC+1

UTC+1 = CET (Central European Time), but does not follow into Central European Summer Time. This way the day hours will be the same all year, with the exception of the occational leap second.


Recent full 24-hours concerts:

@ Leif Inge: Anser Bitternes Wiþ Pyur Byuti, Galleri Sagene Kunstsmie, Oslo (september 2024)

▶ about 9 Beet Stretch

▶ www.læyf.com